Travel, especially by plane, is a significant part of our carbon footprint. Since we are an international company that is challenging for us - sometimes we need to fly. However, we have worked on both making it easier to travel smarter and more sustainable, as well as making it harder for us to travel by plane.
We have checklists for making climate-smart travel plans that we use in all of our projects
All our flights need to be approved by our Managing Director before purchase, based on the questions in the checklist above
We reduce the need to traveling physically with creative formats and technical solutions for online meetings
We analyze our travel on a quarterly basis so that we are always aware of our progress in reducing our carbon footprint
We commute by using public transportation first, taxis second
We choose climate-friendly travel options for our internal conferences
Our aim for 2019 was to reduce our domestic air travel by 50%, and we managed to reach a result of -87%. The same year we increased our train travel by 30%. We aimed for a 25% reduction in international air travel, and the result was -59%. The goal of travel by taxi was a reduction of 50%, and the result was -38%.